A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Results

K: Triads (triads)

In category H you already tested your knowledge of triads, so now it's time to check if you can hear them. The first 10 triads are played melodically. The remaining 10 are played harmonically so that you have to 'unravel' the harmony so to speak. Triads can also be inverted!

Which triad is played here?

A: Major triad in root position
B: Major triad in 6-position (1st inversion)
C: Major triad in 6/4-position (2nd inversion)
D: Minor triad in root position
E: Minor triad in 6-position (1st inversion)
F: Minor triad in 6/4-position (2nd inversion)
G: Augmented triad
H: Diminished triad in root position
I: Diminished triad in 6-position (1st inversion)
J: Diminished triad in 6/4-position (2nd inversion)

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?

Which triad is played here?