A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Results

E: Pitch orientation

If you want to transcribe music you need to know how a certain note relates to the Tonic. In other words: you must be able to distinguish different scale degrees with ease. Try to do these exercises without a piano or any other instrument.

Which of the seven tones of the major scale does this song start on? Listen to this melody

A: the first
B: the second
C: the third
D: the fourth
E: the fifth
F: the sixth
G: the seventh

Which of the seven tones of the minor scale does this song start on? Listen to this melody

Which of the seven tones of the major scale does this song start on? Listen to this melody

Which of the seven tones of the minor scale does this song start on? Listen to this melody

Which of the seven tones of the major scale does this song start on? Listen to this melody