A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Results


Below you'll find an overview of the results. You can compare your answers by going back to the letter of each category. After opening a question you'll see the correct answer, along with some additional information.
The column Grade will show a number which corresponds to the dutch assessment. 10 is the highest ranking, while 1 is the lowest.
A Keys and key signatures The test is not yet completed
B Scales The test is not yet completed
C Transposing The test is not yet completed
D Inner hearing The test is not yet completed
E Pitch orientation The test is not yet completed
F Rhythm The test is not yet completed
G Intervals (knowledge) The test is not yet completed
H Triads (knowledge) The test is not yet completed
I Chord symbols The test is not yet completed
J Intervals (hearing) The test is not yet completed
K Triads (triads) The test is not yet completed
L Seventh chords The test is not yet completed
M Instrumental skills The test is not yet completed
N Voice control The test is not yet completed
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