A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Results

C: Transposing

We advise you to transpose the melody yourself first, and then compare your work with the options. If you are able to transpose, you understand the system of sheet music!

Study the next melody: This melody has to be transposed up a major third. In which of the four pictures has this been done correctly?


Study the next melody:
This melody has to be transposed to a key with B-flat as Tonic.
In which of the four pictures has this been done correctly

Study the next melody:
This melody has to be transposed up a minor sixth.
In which of the four pictures has this been done correctly?

Study the next melody:
This melody has to be transposed down a perfect fourth.
In which of the four pictures has this been done correctly?

Study the next melody:
This melody has to be transposed to a key with four sharps.
In which of the four pictures has this been done correctly?