A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Results

G: Intervals (knowledge)

Which interval is shown here?

Which interval is shown here?

Which interval is shown here?

Which interval is shown here?

Which interval is shown here?

Notate a b-flat. Which note do you have to put on top of it to create a major sixth?

Notate an e. Which note do you have to put on top of it to create a major third?

Notate an f. Which note do you have to put on top of it to create an augmented fourth?

A: C
B: C#
C: Db
D: D
E: D#
F: Eb
G: E
H: Fb
I: E#
J: Fb
K: F
L: F#
M: Gb
N: G
O: G#
P: Ab
Q: A
R: A#
S: Bb
T: B

Notate a d. Which note do you have to put on top of it to create a minor sixth?

Notate an f#. Which note do you have to put on top of it to create a major seventh?